By Reading FC

Three opportunities to see behind the scenes at the Select Car Leasing Stadium…

Our latest batch of Stadium Tours filled up fast – so we’re very pleased to announce three new dates for our fans to see some of the lesser-spotted areas around the ground…

It’s your chance to go into the heart of our home – to see the likes of the dressing rooms, the trophy room, our players’ lounge, and to step out of the tunnel to the fringe of the pitch.

These are the dates that we have upcoming in April…

  • Sunday 10 April (11am)
  • Saturday 16 April (11am)
  • Tuesday 19 April (10.30am)
  • Saturday 23 April (11am)
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All visitors will also get a 10% discount voucher to be used at the Fanstore, and any members of our Young Royals junior supporters’ club are entitled to a FREE Stadium Tour with a paying adult – another perk of the membership! For more information about Young Royals, click the button below.


For more details about Stadium Tours, including prices, terms and conditions and to make your booking, click the button below.

Stadium Tours

Book your place today!